Installing ReservoirKit

ReservoirKit is a React library that makes it easy to add marketplace functionality and UI into your project. If you are not using React and need a custom solution you can use the Reservoir SDK.

Installing ReservoirKit

yarn add @reservoir0x/reservoir-kit-ui

Also make sure to install the peer dependencies required by ReservoirKit if your application doesn't already include them:

yarn add wagmi viem react react-dom

Note: You do not need to install the reservoir-sdk as it will be installed automatically as part of reservoir-kit-ui.

ReservoirKit UI relies on wagmi, react@18.0 and viem. Refer to the package json for version requirements and compatability.

If your application uses radix-ui you'll need to ensure that the radix ui components version match what reservoir-kit-ui is using. Deviating from that version may cause issues.

ethers support

If your application uses ethers and you're not ready to upgrade to viem yet, the wagmi team has created an ethers adapter to help bridge the gap. Note: you'll still need to install viem.

Configuring ReservoirKit UI

import { reservoirChains } from '@reservoir0x/reservoir-sdk'
import {
} from '@reservoir0x/reservoir-kit-ui'
import { WagmiProvider } from 'wagmi'

const wagmiConfig = ...

const theme = darkTheme({
  headlineFont: "Sans Serif",
  font: "Serif",
  primaryColor: "#323aa8",
  primaryHoverColor: "#252ea5",
<WagmiProvider config={wagmiConfig}>
    	apiKey: "YOUR_KEY",
    	chains: [{
      	active: true,
    	source: "YOUR_SOURCE"
   { Your App }


The sample code above is all you need to get started with ReservoirKit. Let's break it down step by step. Start by importing the ReservoirKitProvider which is needed for configuring ReservoirKit. Also import a theme of your choice, we provide a lightTheme and a darkTheme. Next we import the WagmiConfig, Wagmi is a peer dependency of ReservoirKit.

Now that we have all the imports ready we can continue by supplying some options. You'll need to supply an array with at least one Reservoir chain. Read more below about the Reservoir chain object.

Now we create a theme. As mentioned previously we have a few preloaded themes with the ability to override some variables, like colors and fonts. Learn more about theming options here.

Next we wrap our app with the ReservoirKitProvider and pass it some options. Below is a list of ReservoirKit UI options:

chainsAn array of at least one chain. To learn more about the chain configuration, click here. The Reservoir SDK, which is bundled as a part of ReservoirKit exports preconfigured chains for your convenience.N
apiKeyWhile optional it will raise the rate limit for your application. We recommend getting a free instant key before deploying to production.N
disablePoweredByReservoirUsed to disable the powered by Reservoir footers.N
disableJumperLinkUsed to disable redirecting a user to the Jumper exchange.N
normalizeRoyaltiesGlobal setting to add royalties on top of orders that do not include royalties.N
coinGeckoConfiguration for coingecko.
proxy: You can configure a proxy url, in case you have your api key behind a proxy url.
apiKey:You can also just directly configure an API key, we don't recommend this as this will leak your key but it is the easiest way to configure a coingecko api key.
coinIds: An object mapping symbols to coingecko coin ids. Refer to the coingecko api to manually map a coingecko coin id to a symbol in the case of a conflict. If there is a conflict ReservoirKit will not display a usd price unless a coingecko id is manually set.
alwaysIncludeListingCurrencyControl whether the original listing currency is always included in the available payment tokens. This is enabled by default.N
preferDisplayFiatTotalSwap crypto totals on purchase modals with fiat (usd) totals.N
convertLinkAn object with the following properties: tokenUrl and chainUrl. chainUrl must be present and tokenUrl is optional. The urls can include a {toChain} and {toToken} placeholder respectively. These will be replaced during runtime. Use these urls to configure where your users go when they need to add funds (buying) or wrap ETH (bidding).N
ReservoirKit Client optionsMore options can be configured for the underlying client instance.N

You can also pass in swrOptions which allow you to further configure swr at a global level.

We also pass in the theme we previously set up. Now we need to make sure we wrap our application in the WagmiConfig, this should be at the top level as shown in the code snippet. Follow the instructions in their docs to set up the WagmiClient and then pass it into the WagmiConfig. Finally nest your application code within the WagmiConfig and ReservoirKitProvider.

Everything is now correctly configured and ready to go. One last thing you may want to set up for your domain is custom source metadata which ReservoirKit as well as the Indexer use to dynamically keep a catalog of all marketplace source metadata.

If you're having any trouble consult the troubleshooting guide before reaching out to support.


Great job!

Now that we've installed and configured ReservoirKit lets add a buy modal.